NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

07 March 2008

Rubik's Magic Puzzle

When I was a kid, the commercial for <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akTMgttBUBg" target="_blank">Rubik's Magic Puzzle</a> captivated my attention and I totally had to get the product.  I begged and begged  my family for it and, finally, one day it was given to me.  It was one of my favorite toy/puzzles for years.  I have to admit, I was never smart enough to figure the solution out.  But I LOVED playing with it all the same.
It traveled with me to Holidays at relatives houses -- usually leaving my hands to travel amongst the cousins.  It went on car trips with me -- usually ending up occupying a brother or two when they got antsy.  It sat on my desk at home while was in grammar school -- usually in the shape of a chair, puppet show, or house and holding a figurine or two -- ready to play with while I did my homework.  It even ended up going to High School with me.
At some point it disappeared. I thought I had lost it and sighed because it wasn't available for sale anymore.  Whenever I visited a toy store with my baby brother, I would check the shelves and clearance bins.  I would walk by Garage Sales, etc and try to find a new one.
This is before internet people.  Yes, I AM being serious.
One day... about a three years after the last time I saw my Rubik's Magic Puzzle. I was going through my closet.  There was a leak in the wall and stuff had to be pulled out and of course I took the opportunity to go through the boxes, etc.  Yup, you probably guessed correctly.  I found my puzzle.  It wasn't lost, simply misplaced.
But now it was creaky and I was scared to move it too much because of the noise.  I didn't want my favorite puzzle to break.  So I moved it into an object shape and used it for a figurine display.
When we moved, it went into my 'Stuff' box.... and there is sits in storage for these last few years, waiting for me to be able to take all my stuff and put it all in one place.
Ah, but the days of Rubik's Magic were some great days.
"I dare you to link the rings." ~ Professor Erno Rubik


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