NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

10 May 2006

Spiced Tea

Why?  Because I just picked up an infuser and it had the recipe on it.

So how you doing?

        Spiced Tea

        Prepare an infusion by bringing to boil:
                1/2 c. Water
                3/4 c. Sugar

        Remove from heat and add:
                1/4 c. Orange Juice, Strained
                1/4 c. Lemon Juice, Strained
                1 small Cinnamon Stick
                5 Cloves

        Meanwhile, prepare:
                Tea, above [NOTE: I have no idea what that means ~vk]

      Use 10 tsps of tea and 5 cups water in a regular measuring cup.  Put the hot, spiced infusion in a teapot.  Pour the steeped tea over the mixture and serve at once in punch or tea cups.

If you can figure out these instructions, PLEASE clarify them.

OH and Mom finally got her computer back!  and it works... wow.  I can take my laptop away from her now :-D