NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

20 April 2007

Ah Blogger and Knitting

I've had an adventure the last few days. With Blogger moving over to Google, things were a little dicey. There was a referencing to databases that just didn't happen properly and the fix was so... STUPID.. I dunno why I didn't think of it... especially since it was something I KNEW I had to do anyway and I just couldn't figure it out. ::sigh:: anyway.

Yeah, so I have gotten back into knitting again and I am having the time of my life knitting up the 'As-Yet-Unnamed Intricate Cable' Scarf. Knitterary ... I am approaching Chart B!

Which brings me to Knitterary's scarf... I want to post it but the people here in NY say that she should do a write up for Knitty... and I know Knitty doesn't take too kindly to pics that are already up before they get them up ;-) So I am not posting, just in case she wants to write up... or have me write it up, but that is a bit risky ;-) I think she would do a much better job.

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02 April 2007

Yet Another Way to Post

So, I doubt anyone has missed me on this thing since no one ever visits ;-)

But I thought I would let people know that I will be writing again as I have a job and place to send emails from.

Oh! And I live in New York. How's that for different? Laters!

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