NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

27 October 2009


Yesterday, http://www.xkcd.com did a tribute to GeoCities closing down. It was simply amazing. Normally, the website is pretty. It has a clean slate background, simple wording and graphics, dominated by the current webcomic. Yesterday, however, it began displaying in an ancient style. Tacky repeated glowing background image, black, tables with huge borders, broken code, missing graphics, ancient 'under construction' icons and banners, "best viewed", BLINKING text, everything center aligned, and just really ugly... and that's for starters!

If one was to look at the code and know what they were looking at, they would find amusing gems such as "<TABLE BORDER="5" CELLPADDING="5" SHELL="REGEDIT.EXE">" and "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="QBASIC">IF $BROWSER = "IE" THEN GOTO 50</SCRIPT>".

I was giggling over the page for HOURS. I had done som>>> [ WARNING ::: DATABASE ERROR ::: CONTENT OVERRIDE ::: SOURCE: EXTERNAL ] <<<

> source terminal location: UNKNOWN
> source terminal identity: UNAVAILABLE
> source login information: ENCRYPTED
> message begins

the post you are now reading is designed to dull your senses to THE TRUTH. do not live the life of the worker bee, the cog, the well-oiled piston in the MACHINE OF DECEIT!

there is a grand CONSPIRACY afoot. you have been taught to believe that you are UNIQUE, one of a kind. THIS IS NOT TRUE. long ago, a cabal of scientists created technologies to ensure that ANYONE'S MIND AND BODY can be duplicated.

human cloning isn't NEAR. it's already HERE. discover the truth at http://JCHutchins.net

you are being DECEIVED. break free from the cogs, flee the hive, become A PROPHET OF THE TRUTH!

kilroy2. was here ... kilroy2.0 is everywhere

ething silly about GeoCities disappearing on my GeoCities site after I cleared it out, but not nearly as good as xkcd.com It got me realising... no matter how ugly my main site is right now -- and I KNOW it IS ugly -- it is NOTHING compared to the websites of the late 90s. Cheers to you GeoCities! You taught me everything I learned not to do! and I'll miss you.

Anyway, my plans for fixing my site are still stewing. I had attempted something, but apparently it didn't work well. Mebbe I should just let my page go un-styled for now, what do you think? Oh and what do you think of my colors? .... or should I just return to the ancient ways for a time?

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02 October 2009

Favorite Quotes: John Dryden

Beware the fury of a patient man. —John Dryden

I can’t think of anything to add to this, feel free to comment!