NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

27 April 2006


Yes. I am bored.  And now I am bor-ing any one who reads this :-D

Happy boredom.

25 April 2006

Save Versus Burn, or Sixty-Cent Lesson

Today being a chilly gloomy day in Chicagoland, I decided I wanted something WARM to drink or consume.  Soon after arriving at work, I wander down to the cafeteria to see what is available for breakfast.  All I see is platefuls of fat inducing or grease filled stuff.  Well, that plainly tells me I am in for a 'Healthy' day, so I grab a plate full of fruit... at Thirty-five cents an OUNCE... Ouch.  But I wanted it and they had it.  Still wasn't warm though.

Because I was still requiring a bit of warmth, I stopped at the vending machines to see what was available.  Thinking that I would purchase the Whipped Hot Chocolate, I deposited my three quarters.

Just before I pushed the button, I got the feeling that I didn't want chocolate already, I wanted a 'Healthy' day, so I choose Mild Tea and press the proper buttons.

Large Hot Chocolate: $.60
Large Hot Tea: $.40

So what was my change? $.10 Lovely.

Grumbling about the change, holding my plate of fruit, I absently grab the much-too-thin cup of very hot tea.... and carefully put it down without spilling it.

One successful Reflex save. One successful save against burn.  No damage.

So I regrip the cup along the top edge, there is more tea in this cup than there is usually hot chocolate... bugger.  Walk a little way and up the step, fingers getting super warm again.  Use the Water Fountain to regrip the cup at a different angle.

Profession: Waitress check.  Nope never one, no bonus.  Failed.  Liquid jumps onto THUMB which is hovering over edge. Save vs Burn, fail. Damage of One plus. Reflex save successful, cup does not fall.  Fortitude, successful cup is able to be put down on a flat surface before cursing and hand shaking begins.

Picked up cup again, only 10 more yards to go! Thumb is hovering over cup edge again and heat is starting to burn, fortitude successful, cup remains in hand until the desk is reached.  Another point in vitality lost to burning thumb.

Fruit makes a nice temporary coolant.

Lesson?  Bring a styrofoam cup from the cafeteria and transfer the liquid before traveling any distance.

One hour and 15 thumb finally feels fine after applying lots of cool stuff and a warm soapy water run.  Damage is for a couple days, vitality will be restored at lunch.

That is my Geekiness for the day... unless you want to count CM's info... which I will not share, if you know him, go read his LJ.  Tomorrow will tell.

Cross posted to LJ

05 April 2006

CrossRoads Update


Yesterday I fixed a few things on my mainsite webpage.  I also experimented with a few ideas and now I just need to teach myself HOW to do a few more thoughts.

One of the things I changed was the Month/Season Javascripts.  Now they are faerie jar months from lafemmebonita.com and the season is stated below the date.  Next I will work on a be better graphic set for the numbers, it just looks odd the way it is currently displayed.

I also updated the META data, so in the future I should be getting more hits and the search engines will be more updated as they visit.  Almost there People!  Been working on it for while! (in my 'free' time of course because web developing isn't my job :-/ )

Email me or comment to encourage me!