Health Daze?
Man oh Man.
I have been getting healthy. And by that I mean, I am losing weight and eating healthy foods.
Organic Foods when I can, but mostly stuff that hasn't been chemically enhanced or protein enriched. Staying away from things like High Fructose Corn Syrup which is nutritionally sound, but chemically evil. Too many arguments for this. Let's just say that for ME HFCS is NOT a friend.
So basically, eating and living any way other than what I lived at home. Which is all well and good. I have tried the stuff I used to eat and it makes me ill and that makes me happy and sad. No more fast food for me. I don't go to Wendy's and BK anymore and I have almost never been fond of McDonald's in the first place. Popular sodas and modern condiments all use HFCS in their ingredients and I rarely liked Cola when I did have pop...
So WHY in the name of all that is good and decent in this world am I sitting here CRACING a blasted Big Mac, BK Fries and Double Gulp of Pepsi?