NSCR ~ Random Thoughts and Essays

Nia Skywalk's CrossRoads (NSCR) is my website. I created it to be a nexus, or hub, for all my interests. This 'Blog a place to post random thoughts, essays, jokes, and knitting/crocheting/crafts, and pirates ... did I mention RANDOM?

28 January 2008

Dragon's Landing Podcast

So I was innocently doing my work when I noticed that the Dragons Landing Inn podcast updated.
After about 3 nanoseconds of contemplation, I started the podcast wondering what set of zany information pieces I would accumulate this time around.  I knew I might regret it.  I knew I would have to make huge SILENT guffaws as I work in a small office, I knew there were times when I would be drinking my drink and end up cleaning up my monitor.  Despite all these dangers, I carried on, imbued with an undeniable urge to get the next filling drink of information from the most intriguing Inn in all the world, dying to maybe run across Bob the Chupacabra or perhaps go back in history with the Fantastic Tales of History Dave, driven to have yet another mug of Nelson's Blood and roll the dice not in gambling but in roleplaying.
I Listened.
I Blogged....
I Wait......
Now I have gone into the deepest depression known, as I must await another interminable span of time before the dulcet tones of Chuck and Lonnie interspersed by the Snarky undertone of History Dave will wander into my hearing; before the Basement Studio again becomes alive with the laughing and the tones of mirth.  When will there appear next my dose of the Frugal Gamer? or perhaps I may have my questions answers and indeed! my answers questioned on Question Qorner.
Alas!  When?!  When shall they reappear again?  Should I return to the beginning and see how many episodes I can listen to before they once again magically appear in my inbox?  Should I go off and meet them and others at the lovely forums?
Dragons Landing!  Why do you taunt me so?!
Dragon's Landing Inn and Podcast.  http://www.dragonslanding.com  Be there.

18 January 2008

Zodiacal Shift - Wheeeee!

Your Astrological Sign May Not Be What You Think It Is

Information on LiveScience.com that indicates that the Astrological Zodiac has shifted almost a whole month off. Think you are born in the sign of Cancer? You may now be a Gemini!

Read on then come back and talk about it!

How many of you get a new sign? How many of you are the NEW sign?I shifted from Cancer to Gemini, but I always thought I was Gemini anyway. Chat with ya later!

read more | digg story

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